The sustainable loyalty solution for forwarders.

Launch your Frequent Shipper Program and provide eco-friendly incentives for every shipment.

Stay informed on the latest news and subscribe to our newsletter, The CargoClub Insider.

The Problem

Your "Book & Claim" adoption rate is low.

Freight forwarders enable shippers to book sustainable fuel certificates and claim the emission reductions. However, this rarely sells, often due to high costs and lack of visibility.

The challenge

Guide your shippers toward Net Zero.

Freight forwarders are forced to come up with decarbonization initiatives to meet shippers needs, but lack practical solutions and knowledge to act.

The Urgency

The need to get regulation-ready.

Shippers face Scope 3 reporting mandates, necessitating partnerships with freight forwarders for reaching carbon neutral.

CargoClub helps your sustainable offering towards shippers in four steps:

1. Launch the Program

Your one-stop shop. Select your customers, decarbonization strategy and delivery method to serve your shippers.

2. Shipment = Credit

Maintain your regular operations while rewarding shippers with credits based on volume, revenue, or service level.

3. Offset using Credit

Empower your shippers to make a direct impact by utilizing credits to fund individual decarbonization projects globally.

4. Share the Success

Every contribution generates carbon credit certificates plus transparent reporting for external distribution.

When you're ready for the next step towards more sustainable logistics, CargoClub has you covered.


  • Credit Management

  • Carbon Reporting

  • Loyalty Program


  • API-First

  • Online Platform

  • Customer Portal integration

Carbon neutral

  • Offsetting

  • Insetting

  • Personal Portfolio

Using loyalty to drive carbon neutral logistics with CargoClub's Frequent Shipper Program.

For the planet

Drive logistics towards carbon neutral

Create immediate, transparent impact by supporting positive, high-quality projects and see more shippers participate.

For Technology

Simplify supporting sustainable fuels

By making it easier to invest in the development, which helps reduce costs and makes the process more transparent.

For your business

Meet your client needs

Satisfy your shipper carbon neutral needs and optimize internal resources for sustainable growth in the relationship.

Join the Club

Do cool things with us.

We need to start giving more than we take to fix the damage done to our planet.Launch your decarbonisation program.

KVK: 92268730 | VAT: NL865966655B01

© CargoClub B.V. All rights reserved.


CargoClub Privacy Policy
Last Updated 21 October 2023
CargoClub B.V. (“CargoClub”, “we”, “us”, “our”), is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of information it collects from its customers, website users, providers, contractors and other relevant third parties.
All Personal Data is collected in a fair and non-intrusive manner, with your consent. This Privacy Policy assists users of our website and purchasers / users of our goods or services (“you” or “your”) to understand:
• What Personal Data we collect and why we collect it;
• How we use Personal Data;
• Who we share Personal Data with;
• The choices we offer, including how to access, update, and remove Personal Data.
Personal Data may include but is not limited to: identifying information such as name, physical address, age, payment details, telephone number and e-mail address.
By accessing and using our website or related services, you consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy and agree to be bound by them.
We may collect your information in a number of ways, including:
• Directly from you, such as through information submitted to our website, information obtained during interaction with our website, correspondence, email, in person or by telephone.
• From third parties such as our related entities, business partners, credit reporting bodies or your representatives;
• From publicly available sources of information;
• From our existing records of how you use our products or services;
• When legally authorised or required to do so.
We have listed below the type of information (including Personal Data) we collect and our use of such information:
• Contact Information: information we collect to identify or contact you, such as your first and last name, physical address, email address, telephone number, as part of your use of our website and/or to provide you with our goods and services and the ongoing provision of such goods and services.
• Transaction Information: information related to your purchase of our goods and services and the ongoing provision of such goods and services.
• Billing Information: information we collect (including credit card and other payment information) in order to process any payments by you in relation to our goods and services and the ongoing provision of such good and services.
• Demographic Information: information we collect in relation to your age, sex and user preferences, for the purposes of our analytics and advertising purposes. Where you have consent to such use, we will provide demographic information to our partners and affiliates.
• Technical Information: We collect information in relation to your IP address, operating system and browser type, for system administration and analytical purposes.
Where the collection of Personal Data is necessary, you will be aware that such information is required because you will have to provide Personal Data when utilising our website or using / purchasing our goods or services. The supply of your information (including Personal Data) is voluntary, however, if you do not supply certain Personal Data, you may not be able to use certain parts of our website and / or use or purchase our goods or services.
We use information (including Personal Data) held about you for the primary purpose for which you have provided the information (and information about others that you have provided us with). In addition, we also use and disclose information for purposes ancillary and consequential to the primary purpose of collection, such as:
1. to provide, administer, and improve our goods and services;
2. to maintain and improve the functionality or performance of our goods, services and website;
3. to process financial transactions related to our services;
4. to send notices, including technical, administrative or legal notices;
5. to better understand your needs and interests;
6. to fulfil requests you make with CargoClub;
7. to personalise your experience when using or purchasing our goods or services;
8. to provide CargoClub service announcements;
9. if you have provided your express consent, to provide you with information and offers from CargoClub, our business partners and other third parties (as applicable);
10. to protect, investigate, and deter against fraudulent, harmful, unauthorised, or illegal activity; and
11. to comply with legal obligations.
If you have provided us with your consent to receiving promotional / marketing or other communication from CargoClub, CargoClub Affiliates, our business partners and other third parties (as applicable) you have the right to withdraw (i.e. ‘opt-out’) from receiving promotional /marketing communication from CargoClub at any time by contacting CargoClub on the contact details provided in this Privacy Policy. For the avoidance of doubt, should you wish to opt-out from receiving promotional / marketing communication from CargoClub’s partners / affiliates and third parties, you will need to unsubscribe directly with the relevant third parties, using their processes.
We will only use your Personal Data if we have a lawful basis and legal grounds for doing so. These are the principal grounds that justify our use of your information:
• Consent: where you have expressly consented to our use of your information (you are providing explicit, informed, freely given consent, in relation to any such use and may withdraw your consent in the circumstance detailed below by notifying us);
• Contract performance: where your information is necessary to enter into or perform our obligations to you;
• Legal obligation: where we need to use your information to comply with our legal obligations;
• Legitimate interests: where we use your information to achieve a legitimate interest and our reasons for using it outweigh any prejudice to your data protection rights; and
• Legal claims: where your information if necessary for us to defend, prosecute or make a claim against you or a third party.
If you are using our website, purchasing or using our goods and/or services on behalf of a third party, you must have obtained clear permission from the individuals whose data you provide us with before sharing that data with us. For the avoidance of any doubt, any reference in this Privacy Policy to your data shall include data about other individuals that you have provided us with.
The information you provide to us is stored on computer and paper-based files as appropriate. The secure storage and use of information is important to us and we endeavour to take reasonable steps to protect the information from misuse or loss, or unauthorized access, modification or disclosure.
However, no data is entirely secure and safe from a breach or failure of data backup and security. Accordingly, whilst we take reasonable steps in relation to security of its services, we exclude all warranties and disclaim to the full extent permitted by law all liability in relation to data backup and security.
All staff with access to your personal information are bound by duties of confidentiality. The disclosures of information listed above may involve transmitting, storing or processing information across national borders. This includes (amongst other things): our right to host the website on servers located in countries other than The Netherlands; our right to conduct usage analysis; and our right to process payments. You consent to the transmission of data for these purposes.
Where we collect Personal Data from users based in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), such data is processed and stored on Amazon Web Services (Ireland) Cloud Servers. If this applies to you, you acknowledge that this data may however be processed by staff operating outside of the EEA who work for us.
CargoClub will store the information it collects from you as long as needed to provide you with our goods and services (including the ongoing provision of such goods and services (if any)), to fulfil the purpose(s) for which it was collect and to operate our business.
Invoice records, including their digital equivalent, may be retained in identifying form by CargoClub for longer periods for accounting, tax, and audit purposes depending on and in accordance with applicable tax law.
You acknowledge that we may share Personal Data with vendors, third party service providers, and agents who work on our behalf and provide us with services related to our website and our goods and services. These parties include:
• Third parties who act for us or provide services for us, such as billing and credit card payment processing, maintenance, sales, marketing, administration, support, data enrichment, hosting, security and database management services;
• Outside professional advisors (such as lawyers and accountants) for purposes related to the operation of our business such as auditing, compliance, and corporate governance;
• Any third party for the purposes of aggregating user statistics and other information that does not personally identify you, to third parties such as our advertisers, customers and partners.
• CargoClub Affiliates, including persons or entities that acquire some or all of CargoClub or our assets;
• Anyone we transfer our business to in respect of which you are a customer or a potential customer;
• Law enforcement, national security agencies, and other government and regulatory authorised as required or authorised by law.
Where you have provided your consent to us doing so (and not opted out of receiving such material), CargoClub may disclose your Personal Data, such as phone numbers, mailing address, personal preferences and demographic details (such as age and gender) to its carefully selected third parties, such as its service providers and business partners. You acknowledge that such third parties may use your Personal Data (where you have consented to such use) to contact you for advertising, marketing and promotional purposes.
We use commercially reasonable security measures to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of your information under our control based on the type of Personal Data and applicable processing activity, such as data encryption in transit, and enforcement of least privilege and need-to-know principles.
To the extent the Service requires you to provide any Financial Account Information, such as when you purchase or goods or subscribe to our services, that information will be collected and processed by third-party PCI-compliant service providers.
This Privacy Policy applies to the collection of Personal Data by CargoClub associated with the provision of providing our website to you and facilitating your use of CargoClub’s services and purchase of CargoClub’s goods.
Our website may contain links to third party web sites for your convenience and information. We do not control those sites or their privacy practices. We do not endorse or make any representations about third party web sites. The personal data you choose to give to unrelated third parties is not covered by this Privacy Policy. We encourage you to review the privacy policy of any company or web site before submitting your Personal Information. Some third parties may choose to share their personal data with us; that sharing is governed by that third party’s privacy policy.
CargoClub will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your information (including Personal data) is accurate, up-to-date, complete, relevant and not misleading.
You have the right to access, request a correction and to delete your Personal Data held by CargoClub. We may limit or reject your request in certain cases, such as if it is frivolous or extremely impractical, if it jeopardizes the rights of others, if it is not required by law, or if the burden or expense of providing access would be disproportionate to the risks to your privacy in the case in question. In some cases, we may also need you to provide us with additional information, which may include Personal Data, to verify your identity and the nature of your request. We will take reasonable steps to respond to all requests as soon as possible. The following includes rights you have in relation to your Personal Data:
• Right to rectification: If you believe that any Personal Data we are holding about you is incorrect or incomplete, you can request that we correct or supplement such data.
• Right to erasure / ‘Right to be forgotten’: You can request that we erase some or all of your Personal Data from our systems. Please note that if you request the deletion of information required to provide a good or service to you, you may not be able to receive that good or service.
• Right to data portability: You can ask for a copy of your Personal Data in a machine-readable format. You can also request that we transmit the data to another controller where technically feasible.
• Right to restriction of processing / Withdrawal of consent: If we are processing your Personal Data based on your consent (as indicated at the time of collection of such data), you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Please note, however, that if you exercise this right, you may have to then provide express consent on a case-by-case basis for the use or disclosure of certain of your Personal Data, if such use or disclosure is necessary to enable you to utilise some or all of our service. You can ask us to restrict further processing of your Personal Data. You also have the right to lodge a complaint about CargoClub practices with respect to your Personal Data.
• Right to complain: You can contact us to let us know that you object to the further use or disclosure of your Personal Data for certain purposes, such as for marketing purposes.
• Closing Your Account: You may close your account (if any) with CargoClub and upon such termination, we will take reasonable steps to provide, modify, or delete your Personal Data as soon as is practicable. However, CargoClub may nevertheless retain your Personal Data to protect the business interests of CargoClub and CargoClub Affiliates, vendors, and other users, and some information may remain in archived/backup copies for our records or as otherwise required by law. Those interests include without limitation the completion of transactions, maintaining records for financial reporting purposes, complying with our legal obligations, resolving disputes, and enforcing agreements.
For all requests and enquiries relating to your rights set out above, please email us at
CargoClub will not ordinarily charge you in respect of any requests we receive to exercise any of your rights detailed above; however, if you make excessive, repetitive or manifestly unfounded requests, we may charge you an administration fee in order to process such requests or refuse to act on such requests. Where we are required to provide a copy of the relevant Personal Data undergoing processing this will be free of charge; however, any further copies requested may be subject to reasonable fees based on administrative costs.
We take our privacy commitments very seriously. We will conduct internal audits of our compliance with this Privacy Policy, and work to ensure that our employees and service providers also adhere to the Privacy Policy. If you have any questions or concerns regarding privacy related to the Buddy and/or our related services, please send us a detailed message to, and we will try to resolve your concerns.

On occasion, we may gather information about your computer for our services and to provide statistical information regarding the use of our website to our advertisers. Such information will not identify you personally; it is statistical data about our visitors and their use of our site. This statistical data does not identify personal details.
Similarly to the above, we may gather information about your general internet use by using a cookie file. Where used, cookies are downloaded to your computer automatically. The cookie file is stored on the hard drive of your computer as cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive. They help us to improve our website and the service that we provide to you. All computers have the ability to decline cookies. This can be done by activating the setting on your browser which enables you to decline cookies. If you use our site without changing your browser settings, we will assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on the website.
Please note that should you choose to decline cookies, you may be unable to access particular parts of our website. Our advertisers or partners may also use cookies, over which we have no control. Such cookies (if used) would be downloaded once you click on their links on our website.
To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit,, or
We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices. If we make material changes to this Privacy Policy, you will be notified via email (if you have an account where we have your contact information) or otherwise by posting an update of the Privacy Policy on our website. Any change CargoClub makes applies from the date we post it on our website (or otherwise notify you). By continuing to use our website and/or purchasing / using our goods or services, after the publication of any amended Privacy Policy, you are agreeing to be bound by the new / amended Privacy Policy.
Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about our privacy practices or this Privacy Policy. You can reach us online at, or by mail at:
CargoClub B.V.
Attention: Privacy Officer
Van Galenstraat 130
2041 JV Zandvoort
The Netherlands

KVK: 92268730 | VAT: NL865966655B01

© CargoClub B.V. All rights reserved.

Matthijs | Co-Founder

Mission statement:

Create the leading platform for brand loyalty in logistics, empowering the sustainable journey for buyer and seller.


The new kids on the logistics block

⚡️ We're here to shake things up, challenge norms,
and redefine how you think about sustainable retention.

Martijn | Co-Founder

Vision statement:

A world in which sustainable logistics thrives through a community of loyal customers.

KVK: 92268730 | VAT: NL865966655B01

© CargoClub B.V. All rights reserved.


What is a Frequent Shipper Program?

Similar to frequent flyer programs for airlines, a Frequent Shipper Program rewards regular customers of freight forwarding companies with benefits based on the amount or frequency of their shipments.

What is Book and claim?

Book and Claim is like buying a certificate to show you supported sustainable fuels without actually getting the fuel. Shippers might use this to show their support for sustainable fuels without having to physically transport them, making it easier to meet sustainability goals and reduce carbon emissions in their operations.

Who is paying for the credits?

The carbon credits are bought by the freight forwarder and subsequently exchanged towards the shipper when a regular business transaction has been completed, typically upon completion of an invoice payment.

Why offer carbon offsetting?

Historic emissions won't go away. There will always be unavoidable emissions. Technology might not come in time. Therefore, let's do our best to do something and give more than we take. Combining multiple vehicles for carbon neutral is the way forward, offsets included.

Do you select carbon projects yourself?

No. We outsource the qualification and evaluation of vetted projects to Lune, a specialised company for logistics. Individual projects are supervised through multiple industry carbon registries.

How can my organization incorporate this?

We provide API solutions for your customer-facing portal or can design and develop branded stand-alone dashboards. We require appropriate data to ensure the carbon credits are awarded correctly.

KVK: 92268730 | VAT: NL865966655B01

© CargoClub B.V. All rights reserved.

Join the Club

Lets build something great together.

Submit your contact details and our team will reach out to you shortly.

KVK: 92268730 | VAT: NL865966655B01

© CargoClub B.V. All rights reserved.


CargoClub Partners with Lune for Eco-Friendly Loyalty Rewards

Amsterdam, The Netherlands. May 31, 2024.CargoClub, the first sustainable loyalty solution for logistics, has announced a partnership with Lune, a leading climate tech company. It selected Lune as its sustainability provider because of its high-quality insetting and offsetting portfolio, marking a significant step towards carbon neutral shipments.This collaboration empowers CargoClub customers to use impactful climate contributions as rewards within their Frequent Shipper Program. In turn, loyal shippers will help fund high-quality carbon credits linked to emission reduction projects like maritime biofuels or nature-based solutions. To deliver measurable impact and peace of mind, these offsets adhere to Oxford Offsetting principles and are verified by third parties.“Incentive programs drive sustainable growth in logistics,” says CargoClub Co-Founder Martijn Smeets. “Collaboration is key to achieve global adoption for carbon neutral supply chains. Let’s walk the talk!”Erik Stadigh, Co-Founder and CEO of Lune, echoed this sentiment, saying, "The green transition was always going to be tough. We need to be both pushing and pulling towards it. That’s why we’re delighted to be working with CargoClub to incentivise green shipments.”Matthijs de Bock, Co-Founder of CargoClub, acknowledges, “it is excited to offer eco-friendly rewards, making the CargoClub Frequent Shipper Program even more attractive for forwarders. By choosing sustainable options, forwarders can not only benefit from loyalty rewards but also help their clients contribute to a carbon neutral logistics industry.”Join CargoClub's Frequent Shipper Program and start rewarding your business for sustainable shipping! Visit to learn more.About Lune:Lune is the climate impact company on a mission to make every product and service climate positive. Your clients are struggling to keep up with fast-changing climate regulations. They need help, urgently. Companies are capturing this growing demand and boosting their bottom line by embedding climate action into their product offering using Lune’s API. It’s the only API that combines granular emission calculations and high quality carbon removal. Lune is trusted by industry leaders such as JAS Worldwide, Forto and Logixboard. Read more at CargoClub:CargoClub is the sustainable loyalty solution for the logistics industry. We help freight forwarders address customer retention challenges by offering eco-friendly incentives, in the form of carbon credits, to their customers for every shipment, accelerating the journey towards net zero. Facing increasing demand for carbon-neutral supply chains and stricter regulations on carbon emissions, the industry is under pressure to find sustainable solutions. CargoClub combines loyalty programs with sustainability initiatives, creating a win-win situation for freight forwarders and their customers. Learn more at

KVK: 92268730 | VAT: NL865966655B01

© CargoClub B.V. All rights reserved.



From Discounts to Data: The Evolving Landscape of FFW Loyalty

The freight forwarding industry has long operated on a model of discounting and volume-based pricing. While this approach has historically driven growth, it's increasingly eroding profit margins. Forwarders are finding themselves in a vicious cycle...


How Sustainable Logistics Can Give Your Business a Competitive Edge?

The world of logistics is a complex network, the backbone of global trade. But this vital network comes at a hidden cost – its environmental impact. In 2020, 101.5 billion t×km (tonnes per kilometre) of goods were transported worldwide by sea...


FSP - Sustainable Weapon Against Customer Churn

Imagine this: you spend countless resources acquiring new customers, only to see them disappear just as quickly. In the cutthroat world of logistics, customer churn – the loss of existing cargo business – can be a silent killer. Studies show it costs...


CargoClub Partners with Lune for Eco-Friendly Loyalty Rewards

CargoClub, the first sustainable loyalty solution for logistics, has announced a partnership with Lune, a leading climate tech company. It selected Lune as its sustainability provider because of its high-quality insetting...


The impact of loyalty programs on the Logistics Industry

In today's fiercely competitive logistics industry, securing repeat business and fostering customer loyalty is paramount. Enter loyalty programs – a strategic tool that's rapidly transforming the way freight forwarders...

KVK: 92268730 | VAT: NL865966655B01

© CargoClub B.V. All rights reserved.

The impact of loyalty programs
on the Logistics Industry

Photo by Barrett Ward on Unsplash

In today's fiercely competitive logistics industry, securing repeat business and fostering customer loyalty is paramount. Enter loyalty programs – a strategic tool that's rapidly transforming the way freight forwarders build lasting relationships with their clients. But what exactly is the impact of loyalty programs on the logistics industry, and how can your freight forwarding company leverage them for success?

The Power of Loyalty: A Win-Win for Shippers and Forwarders

Loyalty programs offer a win-win scenario for both shippers and freight forwarders. Shippers benefit from:

  • Reward programs: Discounts, free services, and points redeemable for valuable benefits incentivize repeat business and drive higher shipment volumes.

  • Improved experience: Loyalty programs can integrate seamlessly with existing systems through API integrations, enabling business as usual, leading to a smoother overall experience.

  • Dedicated support: Loyalty programs often unlock access to dedicated account managers and personalized service, ensuring their needs are met promptly and efficiently.

For freight forwarders, loyalty programs deliver significant advantages:

  • Increased customer retention: Rewarding loyal customers reduces churn and fosters long-term partnerships, leading to a more stable and predictable revenue stream.

  • Enhanced customer acquisition: Attractive loyalty programs can attract new customers seeking the benefits of a frequent shipper program, expanding your client base.

  • Valuable customer data: Loyalty programs gather valuable data on customer preferences and shipping habits, allowing for targeted marketing campaigns, willingness to pay analysis, and improved service offerings.

  • Improved brand differentiation: A well-designed loyalty program sets you apart from competitors, strengthening your brand image as a customer-centric and reliable logistics partner.

Industry Leaders Light the Way: CMA CGM's SEA REWARD and IAG Cargo's Forward Rewards

The impact of loyalty programs is undeniable, with industry leaders paving the way for wider adoption. Take CMA CGM, a major shipping group, who recently launched their SEA REWARD program. SEA REWARD rewards customers for bookings made through their digital platform "SpotOn," offering them "Nautical Miles" redeemable for future shipments. This program exemplifies how loyalty can incentivize the use of new technologies, streamlining processes and fostering customer engagement.Another prime example is IAG Cargo, the cargo division of International Airlines Group, with their established Forward Rewards program. Forward Rewards offers tiered benefits based on shipment volume, giving high-volume shippers access to exclusive perks like priority handling and dedicated account management. This program demonstrates the power of loyalty in fostering long-term partnerships with key clients.

Loyalty as a Service: A Game-Changer for Forwarders

The emergence of Loyalty as a Service (LaaS) presents an exciting opportunity for freight forwarders. LaaS providers offer pre-built, scalable loyalty program solutions that integrate seamlessly with your existing systems through API. This eliminates the need for in-house development, allowing you to quickly launch a program and start reaping the benefits without the hassle of building it from scratch.

The Future of Loyalty: Personalization and Data-Driven Insights

As the industry evolves, expect to see loyalty programs become even more sophisticated. The future lies in personalization: tailoring rewards and benefits to individual customer needs based on their shipping patterns and preferences. By leveraging data analytics, freight forwarders can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, allowing for targeted program enhancements and the optimization of service offerings for maximum impact.

The Bottom Line: Embracing Loyalty for Sustainable Growth

In conclusion, loyalty programs have become a powerful tool for success in the logistics industry. By implementing a well-designed program with exclusive product offerings, freight forwarders can cultivate stronger customer relationships, drive repeat business, and achieve sustainable growth. With LaaS solutions offering a hassle-free entry point, there's no better time to embrace the loyalty revolution and secure your place in the ever-evolving logistics landscape.Join CargoClub's Frequent Shipper Program and start rewarding your business for sustainable shipping!

Written by Martijn Smeets, Co-Founder of CargoClub

KVK: 92268730 | VAT: NL865966655B01

© CargoClub B.V. All rights reserved.

Frequent Shipper Programs: A Sustainable Weapon Against Customer Churn

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Imagine this: you spend countless resources acquiring new customers, only to see them disappear just as quickly. In the cutthroat world of logistics, customer churn – the loss of existing cargo business – can be a silent killer. Studies show it costs up to 5 times more to acquire a new customer than retain an existing one . Even worse, satisfied customers are 50 times more likely to recommend your services, highlighting the crucial role customer retention plays in your success.

The Flawed Loyalty Landscape: Discounts vs. Sustainability

Loyalty programs are often advertised as a solution to churn. However, traditional B2C models have come under fire for promoting overconsumption. Think of points earned for extra fries or miles flown for free – these rewards contribute to environmental damage and rising obesity rates. As sustainability and loyalty advocate Henry Christian puts it, "Loyalty programs are making people fat, killing the earth and accelerating climate change."

A Sustainable FSP: Redefining Loyalty for Logistics

But what if loyalty programs could be a force for good? Enter the sustainable Frequent Shipper Program (FSP). This innovative approach goes beyond discounts, offering a win-win for businesses and the environment. Here's how:

  • Combating Churn with Value-Driven Rewards: Sustainable FSPs incentivize loyalty with rewards that add real value. Think faster processing for eco-friendly packaging, priority service for carbon-neutral shipments, or exclusive access to industry sustainability reports. This builds stronger relationships and discourages shippers from seeking alternatives.

  • The Power of Carbon Credits: Sustainable FSPs empower shippers to convert their rewards into verifiable carbon credits. Here, partnering with a trusted provider like Lune is crucial. Lune focuses on quality over quantity, ensuring only high-quality climate projects deliver a positive impact on the environment.This allows them to offset their environmental footprint, demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and boosting their brand image.

  • A Collaborative Push for Green Logistics: By rewarding sustainable practices throughout the supply chain, FSPs create a ripple effect. By encouraging all stakeholders to adopt greener solutions, from packaging choices to carbon-neutral transport options, they contribute to a more sustainable future for logistics.

Designing a Winning FSP for Your Business

Here are some key elements to consider when building your sustainable FSP:

  • Tiered Rewards with a Green Focus: Offer rewards that incentivize responsible shipping practices. This could include faster processing for eco-friendly packaging or priority service for carbon-neutral shipments.

  • Seamless Integration and Transparency: Ensure your FSP integrates smoothly with your existing systems for efficient tracking and redemption of rewards, including carbon credits.

  • Communication is Key: Clearly communicate the program details, highlighting the sustainability benefits. Showcase how your FSP helps shippers reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future.

Looking Ahead: Building Loyalty with a Purpose

Frequent Shipper Programs with a sustainability focus are no longer just about discounts. They are a powerful tool for customer retention, environmental responsibility, and long-term success. In our next article, we'll delve deeper into the impact of logistics on the environment and why we believe sustainability matters.

Launch CargoClub's Frequent Shipper Program in your organization and start rewarding your customers with carbon credits.

Written by Martijn Smeets, Co-Founder of CargoClub
and guest writer Henry Christian, Principal Advisor of HC Loyalty Advisory

KVK: 92268730 | VAT: NL865966655B01

© CargoClub B.V. All rights reserved.

The Green imperative: How Sustainable Logistics Can Give Your Business a Competitive Edge?

Photo by Thomas Richter on Unsplash

The world of logistics is a complex network, the backbone of global trade. But this vital network comes at a hidden cost – its environmental impact. In 2020, 101.5 billion t×km (tonnes per kilometre) of goods were transported worldwide by sea, resulting in 657 million tCO2e. In today's climate-conscious world, ignoring this cost is no longer an option. This blog explores the environmental impact of logistics, the risks of inaction, and the benefits of becoming an early adopter of sustainable practices.

The Environmental Footprint of Logistics

The global supply chain stretches across continents, with countless modes of transportation and facilities involved. Each step – from production to final delivery – leaves an environmental footprint. Here's a breakdown of some key concerns:

  • Emissions: Transportation, particularly air and maritime shipping, contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Air freight is the most emissions-intensive mode of transport per unit of cargo, due to the high-altitude fuel combustion and contrail formation.

  • Waste: Packaging waste generated throughout the supply chain ends up in landfills, polluting the environment.

  • Resource Consumption: Logistics relies heavily on resources like fuel and energy, contributing to resource depletion.

The Push Factors: Why Sustainability Matters

Ignoring the environmental impact of logistics creates several risks for businesses:

  • Climate Change: The World Economic Forum (WEF) identifies climate change as a major operational risk, impacting businesses across industries.

  • Legislation: Regulations are increasingly requiring companies to report on Scope 3 emissions (indirect emissions throughout their supply chain).

  • Reputation: Consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious. Failing to demonstrate sustainability can lead to "greenwashing" accusations and reputational damage.

The cost of inaction is high. Companies are facing up to US$120 billion in costs from environmental risks in their supply chains by 2026.

The Pull Factors: The Benefits of Going Green

Embracing sustainable practices in logistics can bring numerous advantages:

  • First-Mover Advantage: Companies leading the charge in sustainability can attract environmentally conscious customers and investors.

  • Generating ROI: Climate disclosures are becoming a key factor in securing new business deals and enhancing your customer’s loyalty.

  • Consumer Demand: Consumers are actively seeking out brands committed to sustainability.

  • Reduced Costs: Optimizing logistics for efficiency can lead to cost savings in fuel, energy, and waste management.

Building a Climate-Positive Legacy

  • Measurement is Key: Start by accurately measuring your Scope 3 emissions to understand your impact.

  • Optimize, Reduce, Inset: Focus on optimizing transportation routes and freight management, pushing for intermodality (lower emission intensity), reducing waste, and implementing "insetting" programs (carbon reduction initiatives within your operations).

  • Scaling Impact with Climate Projects: Partner with reputable carbon credits providers like Lune to fund high-quality climate projects that have a real impact across the globe. Vetted emission reduction or carbon removal projects that range from more traditional projects (eg., nature based reforestation, mangroves restoration or abating industrial emissions) to innovative projects (eg., biochar, bio-oil sequestration, direct air capture, or enhanced rock weathering).

Considering that at CargoClub we’re focused on directly addressing credits linked to your logistic value chain, particularly those focused on reducing emissions from the aviation sector.

Conclusion: The Time to Act is Now

The logistics industry is at a crossroads. Embracing sustainable practices isn't just about environmental responsibility; it's a smart business decision. By becoming an early adopter of sustainable solutions, you can mitigate risks, gain a competitive edge, and build a future-proof business. CargoClub, with its commitment to sustainable FSPs and partnerships with trusted providers like Lune, is here to help you navigate the path towards a greener and more profitable future.

For a deeper dive into the impact of worldwide logistic, download Lune's insightful report, "Greening the supply chain."

Let's work together to build a sustainable logistics network. Contact CargoClub today to learn more.

Written by Lune & Martijn Smeets, Co-Founder of CargoClub

From Discounts to Data: The Evolving Landscape of Freight Forwarder Loyalty

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

The freight forwarding (FFW) industry has long operated on a model of discounting and volume-based pricing. While this approach has historically driven growth, it's increasingly eroding profit margins. Forwarders are finding themselves in a vicious cycle: offering discounts to win new business, only to see those margins shrink as competition intensifies. This short-term focus on acquisition often overshadows the potential value of existing customers and the importance of understanding their willingness to pay.Furthermore, the industry's reliance on gut feel and anecdotal evidence when it comes to pricing and customer segmentation is hindering growth. Without a deep understanding of customer behavior and preferences, forwarders are missing opportunities to optimize their offerings and increase customer satisfaction.

“Data is the new gold of the freight forwarding industry,” says CargoClub Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer Matthijs de Bock. “By harnessing the power of data, forwarders can gain invaluable insights into their customers, allowing them to make data-driven decisions that drive growth and profitability.”

The Shift Towards Data-Driven Loyalty

To break free from the discounting trap, freight forwarders must embrace a data-driven approach to customer loyalty. By leveraging advanced analytics and customer relationship management (CRM) tools, forwarders can gain a comprehensive view of their customers, from acquisition to retention.Here are three key benefits of using data to enhance customer loyalty:

  • Personalized Customer Experiences: Data allows forwarders to identify customer segments based on factors such as shipment size, frequency, and industry. With this information, forwarders can tailor their offerings to meet the specific needs of each customer segment, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Optimized Pricing Strategies: By analyzing customer data, forwarders can identify opportunities to increase pricing without losing business. For example, data might reveal that certain customer segments are less price-sensitive and willing to pay a premium for additional services.

  • Improved Customer Retention: Understanding customer behavior helps forwarders identify at-risk customers and take proactive steps to retain them. By offering targeted incentives or addressing specific pain points, forwarders can strengthen customer relationships and reduce churn.

Building a Data-Driven Foundation

Embracing a data-driven approach requires a cultural shift within freight forwarding organizations. Forwarders must invest in data infrastructure, analytics tools, and employee training to unlock the full potential of their data. By prioritizing data-driven decision-making, forwarders can break free from the discounting cycle and build a more sustainable and profitable business.As EY highlights in their report, "How to unlock business growth by putting customers at the center," driving high levels of loyalty and customer retention requires innovative and responsive digital marketing strategies. By focusing on customer-centricity and leveraging data, freight forwarders can develop personalized experiences, optimize pricing, and increase customer lifetime value.We at CargoClub are committed to empowering freight forwarders in building lasting customer relationships. Our platform provides the tools and insights needed to develop innovative marketing strategies, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive long-term growth.

Would you like to explore specific strategies for implementing a data-driven loyalty program within your organization? Contact CargoClub today to learn more.

Written by Matthijs de Bock Co-Founder and CTO of CargoClub